i am interested in open source, non-commercial, non-proprietary, community-organized, sustainable practices that promote vitality and viability through awareness and action.
as a mixed media conceptual artist focused on practice-based form, i am most interested in building collaborative pedagogical models that encourage moments formed in between standard ways of thinking. my practice utilizes archival research, artifacts, collections, found objects, mixed materials, sculpture, drawing, painting, photography, sound and performance — all focused on modest materials, humbling interactions and subtle meditations.
my durational, site-responsive interventions involve a process of taking up residence within a place to fully engage with the location, its surroundings and every element within it. my exploration begins without parameters, allowing for the possible and impossible. while delving into the idiosyncratic elements of each space — assembling and disassembling, shifting, accumulating and rearranging material — subtle dynamics and possibilities are emphasized. to reinforce these tensions, all components are sourced on site and often activate unseen or forgotten elements.
over time, through perception of the spatial tensions and contradictions within these subtle, often minimal environments, our sensitivity becomes intensified and our awareness stirred. as awareness of these inconspicuous moments are amplified, and the quiet sounds within our larger systems of operation sensed, our understanding of the world around us grows, empowering action and instilling a sense of agency and urgency.
artist statement | installation statement | curatorial statement | teaching philosophy | diversity statement