institutions in the western world often occupy the space of colonial, white, straight, cis-masculinity. as an educator, i am dedicated to challenging the systemic effects of the racially biased patriarchy that affect us all. i recognize that the prevailing hegemony perpetuates inequalities and biases that must be actively confronted and dismantled.
in the classroom, i aim to create a communal space of awareness and foster a culture of shared experience where all voices are not only welcomed but actively heard. i understand that the protection of class member rights and voices is of utmost importance. sometimes, it is okay not to share but rather to listen, particularly when it comes to individuals whose experiences differ from our own.
breaking through the dominant systemic pedagogy requires more than just awareness of our differences; it necessitates a commitment to resist all forms of ignorance and intolerance. to achieve this, i emphasize the importance of accessing diverse resources and amplifying a multitude of voices. this approach enables a deeper understanding of all people, their unique histories, successes and plights.
as a queer, non-binary, latinx, first-generation american, i have experienced life on the margins, but i remain aware that i can never fully comprehend the experiences of others in our complex society. teaching equity and justice in the face of prevailing hegemony is an ongoing commitment that demands constant practice and diligence.
i firmly believe that our path forward lies in the pursuit of a truly liberal, empathic and communal arts education. such an environment not only safeguards individual rights but also nurtures a space where we can aspire to be truly free, where the richness of diversity is celebrated and where every voice contributes to the collective growth and understanding of our shared humanity.
to build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to under-mine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination.
— bell hooks
artist statement | installation statement | curatorial statement | teaching philosophy | diversity statement